Nite Guard, a family-owned and operated business, has been repelling night predators and keeping tens of thousands of customers safe for over 16 years. It was our pleasure to build them a custom website that showcased their unique product, their history, and the future of husbandry and farming protection.



  •   Shopify Integration
  •   Website Design
  •   Email Marketing
  •   SEM/Blogs

Shopify Integration

With two products that work incredibly well, Nite Guard has vendors around the country as well as an online store that required a major upgrade. Using our Shopify Plug-In, we were able to create a seamless and secure shopping experience. Each product page includes instructions, best practices, testimonials, and video tutorials. The pros at Nite Guard really know how to sell their predator-repellent products; we were able to customize the shopping experience to match the customer's expectations for Nite Guard.

Website Design

With a handful of products to sell, one might think this website would be a simple build. Alas, because of the intricate nature of the many uses and specific critters the Nite Guard products repel, we wanted to get very creative. Hence, the Explore By Animal page, custom formatted and coded to serve the user the easiest way to select the right product for their night-time nuisance. The folks at Nite Guard are knowledgeable about each predator's tendencies and this page was one of the many ways we were able to showcase their years of humane riddance success.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is a highly effective tactic that helps Nite Guard and their loyal customers stay connected. With our partnership and their expertise, Nite Guard hosts a robust blog, targeting the efficacy of their products, pest-centric seasonal and regional issues, and the many nuances of daytime and nighttime predators and pests. All this information is important to new and loyal customers and positions Nite Guard as more than a trusted resource for products but as a trusted resource for valuable and pertinent information. Our effective email marketing campaigns are used as a way to deliver content to consumers, educate, and entertain. With a simple click-to-shop integration and associated information relating to that product, Nite Guard has an exceptionally loyal email list with high click-through rates.



The blog positions Nite Guard as a trusted resource of valuable and pertinent information to its consumer. Nite Guard's blog is a critical component to the design and layout of the website and impacts everything from customer satisfaction and new site traffic to email marketing. A consistent, well-written blog will increase overall traffic to your site, an important ranking signal for Google, and when it's crafted to target a specific audience, paired with the right funnel to drive sales, this increased traffic steers people to the products they need. Using keyword research based on Nite Guard's consumers, we craft each blog to share important information and be easily found by those most likely looking online for related issues with pests and predators.


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